It is a reality that one does not hear sermons on the topic of divorce and remarriage in today's Christian pulpits. Those who preach about divorce do so to justify it based on a phrase taken out of its context, leaving aside abundant passages that prohibit it and that indicate that a remarriage before the death of one of the legitimate spouses constitutes an adulterous relationship before God: Matthew 5:32 and 19:9, Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18, Romans 7:2-3, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, 1 Corinthians 7:39, etc. Below, we will note some of the main reasons why this sad and unfortunate reality happens.

There are so many marriages that have been constituted illegitimately, that is, where one of the parties has his legitimate spouse alive, that preaching that this is adultery would be offensive to many "happy couples." In so-called developed countries like the United States, up to more than half of Christian couples divorce and remarry. There are absolutely no restrictions in the churches to give free rein to these remarriages.

The minds of preachers are predisposed on the subject because of the convenience of pleasing the members of their churches on this subject. And the minds of those who are already in second, third or more marriages are also affected by the inconvenience of knowing that their marriages are adulterous and fornicatory before God. It is in no one's interest to study on this topic. They are ignorant volunteers for convenience. They are self-deceived because if they only decided to open the Word of God and do a Bible study on the subject, everyone, both preachers and church members, would come to the truth and save their souls from the eternal destruction that awaits the rebels. The Word of God predicted this terrible condition: “But evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13)

The aforementioned mental conditioning, self-deception and willful ignorance lead to widespread illiteracy on this topic. The vast majority of Christians believe that Christ really said that “because of infidelity, give her a letter of divorce,” ignoring that such a thing is not in the Bible. That's what they've heard their leaders say. No one, neither church leaders nor members, holds a biblically argued conversation that textually validates divorces and remarriages. We have so far presented 39 biblical reasons why it is literally impossible to hold the divorce position “because of infidelity,” and no one has even attempted to give a coherent and evidential answer from the Holy Bible. The most conservative hold the position that there is an innocent party and a guilty party and that the spouse who was deceived by his or her partner has the right to remarry. They deceive themselves once again because in reality everyone, supposedly innocent and supposedly guilty, are supported to join in marriage with a third person in total contradiction to the law of God (See Romans 7:2-3).

The churches have accepted the pagan principle of hedonism or “tendency to seek pleasure and well-being in all areas of life,” in the matter of marriage. All divorce arguments are ethical, humanistic and devoid of correctly contextualized biblical evidence. “God wants his children to be happy and cannot have it as one of his plans for a person to suffer the horrors of a bad marriage,” they say. Then they generalize the police cases of murders and torture that spouses have inflicted on their partners. Instead of adhering to God's plan for marriages to be correctly established and to His enabling instructions and promises to solve all problems that may arise, these humanist leaders take the pagan shortcut of divorce and remarriage. The principles of Christian divorcers are so weak that even atheists have higher success rates in their marriages. This argument of supposed happiness is also a self-deception. The reality is that second marriages not only have more problems than first ones, but they divorce at even higher rates. Divorce not only ignores the Bible, but also science and statistics.

The concept of church in today's world has to do with carefully structured organizations which require large budgets. In the best of cases there are those managed by boards, councils, conferences, unions, associations, etc. These hierarchical structures manage many personnel both in offices and in the field, pastors, workers, instructors, teachers, coordinators, advisors, accountants, auditors, etc. These corporate companies cannot do without sufficient funds for their functioning and operation. Leaving them without membership and pointing out the remarried as sinners would be an economic catastrophe for them. There are also independent churches or ministries, which are mostly led by a leader, pastor or apostle. In these cases, brainwashing is even easier to achieve because there are no councils or meetings and if there are they are manipulated by the influence of the chieftain leader. The desire to become rich and enjoy material goods is such that in many of these ministries it will not be at all difficult to accept and promote that everyone is welcome, even if they are in a sinful condition. As long as your financial contribution is available, no one is denied membership. We do not want to say that the organization and financial contributions are bad, but when these become an objective in themselves and not the biblical truth, said organization no longer serves the purposes of God.

The true church, the one that Christ founded, does not allow itself to be manipulated nor does it manipulate anyone. The principles that govern it always come from the Bible interpreted by itself and not by councils, meetings or conferences. The Holy Spirit will be the one who guides to all truth and no humanistic, convenient, misleading or material argument will take priority over a “thus says the Lord.” All doctrine and practice of the true children of God are subject “to the law and the testimony” (Isaiah 8:20). The greatest deception of the end times is to hold ourselves to an institution above the Bible. The enemy of God has been able to manipulate all human institutions at will throughout time. It was even the case of the people of Israel who were clearly chosen by God with all kinds of wonders and miracles. They went so far away from what God had revealed to them and replaced it so much with traditions and paganism that when the Son of God came they did not recognize him (John 1:11-12). That attachment to traditions above revelation included the issue of marriage and remarriages. That is why they wanted to impose their interpretative schools (Hillel and Shammai) on Christ, which was ignored by the Great Teacher, leading them to what was "in the beginning", that is, indissoluble marriage without divorce or remarriage (See Matthew 19:3-12 compare with Genesis 2:24). The enemy then used the father of humanism Desiderius Erasmus in the 16th century to influence Martin Luther and other reformers with exactly the same arguments as the Jewish interpreters of Christ's time. Just as Christ was not deceived by the influential teachers of his day, faithful children of God today should not follow modern humanism on the subject of marriage. Christ prophesied that we will be a tiny minority and that we may have to become eunuchs if our spouse abandons us to go with someone else (See Matthew 19:11-12). That truth was understood and taught in the apostolic church whose doctrine was pure (See 1 Corinthians 7:10-11). True Christianity never practiced remarriages. There is no mention in the Bible of anyone who divorced and remarried for any reason. Those who, in apostasy from what the Bible says on this subject, practice such an aberration of God's plan are fulfilling what was prophesied by Christ in Matthew 24:37-39. They are “marrying and giving in marriage,” that is, divorcing to remarry. This practice is no less aberrant than homosexual marriages, incest and all illegitimate marriages. The exclusion introduced by the Lord in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 (“except for the cause of fornication”) applies to all of them. Those so-called “marriages” in the world must be divorced because they are fornicating marriages. This was very clear to Christ when he told the woman of Samaria that she had had five “husbands” (in society they were marriages) and that the one she had was not her husband, because her legitimate husband was still alive (See John 4 :18) That is clear from his teachings given in Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:3-12. The faithful children of God understand, practice and teach the Edenic Christ principle of marriage without divorce or remarriage even in the worst circumstances. Even if to do so they had to give their lives, as was the case of John the Baptist who was condemned to be beheaded for telling Herod that he had married his own brother's wife (Mark 6:18).

Sad to say, but even those who have been called to repair the breaches or destroyed breaches of God's law (Isaiah 58:12), refuse to preach about true biblical marriage without divorce and remarriage, because in some sense they have compromised and cannot hold the whole truth on this vital issue for the church and society.

1. It is an attempt to disunite what God united. It is disobedience and therefore sin: Matthew 19:6
2. ANYONE who divorces commits adultery against his or her marriage and spouse: Matthew 19:9, Mark 10:11-12
3. EVERYONE who divorces and marries again becomes an adulterer: Luke 16:18
4. Whoever marries a divorced person becomes an adulterer: Luke 16:18up
5. Whoever gets divorced causes the person he divorced to commit adultery: Matthew 5:32 See the topic “the 4 sins of divorce”
6. Divorce is rebellion, which is the root and essence of sin. It is open apostasy: Matthew 19:8
7. Divorce is a departure from God's original plan for marriage: Matthew 19:8up
8. Divorce citing an “exception clause” for infidelity is adding to the Bible to distort it and whoever does that will have no part in the kingdom of God: Revelation 22:18-19. Christ never said “except because of adultery.” Nor did he say “except because of infidelity.” He said “except for the cause of fornication.” Understanding the word fornication (porneia) in the context that Christ said it is the key to avoiding misrepresentations and contradictions by mistranslating that word. On the page we are counting 39 problems generated by said carelessness.
9. Getting divorced because of your partner's adultery or infidelity is not biblical. There is no record of anyone being divorced and remarried for that reason or any reason in the entire Bible.
10. The Bible records 7 times that Christ said that divorcing and remarrying constitutes adultery:
11. Getting divorced is ignoring the Word of God. Divorce as practiced today is not in the Bible. In Deuteronomy 24:2-3 there is mention of a divorce requested only by men (sexist) to increase or decrease their harem. They could even divorce wives if they could no longer support them and could buy slaves as wives. Machismo, polygamy or slavery are part of the new pact. Therefore the divorce given to those rebels also disappears and was specified as such by both Christ and the apostle Paul: Matthew 5:32, 19:9; Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18, Romans 7:2-3, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11
12. Getting divorced to remarry is not biblical. There is no record of a single remarriage in the Bible by the true and obedient children of God.
13. Getting divorced to get a new partner is a selfish act which is contrary to Christian character: Ephesians 4:32 A Christian marriage is indestructible.
14. Getting divorced to find another partner is a denial of God's character as the husband (bridegroom) of his church. By abandoning our partner for his falls or mistakes we are implying that Christ, our husband (betrothed Groom) can abandon us for our own falls and sin. That implies that we will be lost: Ephesians 5:31-33 A complete topic on this is here:
15. Divorcing because of our spouse's repeated offenses is not in harmony with the gospel where we are asked to forgive all faults all the time as a requirement for ourselves to be forgiven: Luke 17:4
16. Divorce is a sin against the family and therefore the church and society. It is the children who pay the greatest price for their parents' rebellion.
17. Divorce is a tree that only produces bad fruit, therefore it is not Christian: Matthew 7:20
18. Whoever divorces and marries again is a polygamist (or bigamist depending on how many marriages he has had).
19. Changing partners in search of happiness is contrary to God's plan. True happiness is in doing the will of God: Matthew 7:21
20. To divorce and remarry is to be on the side of those who fulfill the prophecy about social decay before the second coming of Christ: Matthew 24:37-39
21. Getting divorced and remarrying is violating the 7th commandment of God's law: Exodus 20:14
22. Changing partners does not solve the problem. First marriages divorce in around 50% and second marriages in more than 70% (USA)
23. The biblical alternative to divorce and remarriage in extreme cases of abuse is separation with always the goal of reconciliation or being left alone: ​​1 Corinthians 7:10-11
24. Divorce or attitude toward divorce (thinking that God allows divorce) generates all the problems of marriage or aggravates them, including infidelity or adultery: Jeremiah 17:9.
25. Divorce is an act of lack of faith, which is a sin: Romans 14:23. God can restore all life. If a marriage is not restored it is because both or one of them does not want to put their lives in the hands of God.
26. He who divorces and remarries cannot minister, pastor, preach, teach or lead in the church because he is the husband of several wives: 1 Timothy 3:2
27. Divorce does not come from God or Moses but from Babylon. God asks his people to leave Babylon: Revelation 18:4
28. The legislation given to the rebels on divorce was part of the ordinances that expired when Christ died and no Christian should practice them because “they were contrary to us”, they left nothing good: Colossians 2:14, Ephesians 2:15, 16.
29. Whoever gets divorced is a terrible soldier in Christ's army. It is equivalent to the deserter who only brings shame to the cause: 2 Timothy 2:4
30. Whoever divorces his partner for adultery uses regulations from the old covenant, makes an improper mixture of concepts, continues to believe in the death penalty (figurative) and thereby condemns himself because he is also a sinner: John 8:2-11
31. Whoever divorces because of sexual immorality committed by his or her partner contradicts Christ who resolves the sin of sexual immorality with forgiveness and a new opportunity: John 8:11
32. Whoever divorces his or her partner for sexual immorality contradicts the entire Bible where the punishment for that sin was never divorce nor was the reward a new marriage.
33. Whoever abandons his spouse and home through divorce participates in a law that is unjust for everyone and therefore does not come from God: Psalm 19:8 tells us what God's laws are like.
34. The current divorce is requested in more than 70% of cases by women, it is feminist and is part of the enemy's plan to destroy the family, society and the church.
35. Divorce is part of the plan of the enemy of God to destroy the family, society and the church. This plan includes feminism, divorce and finally homosexuality and all forms of perversion of biblical marriage. They all have common elements because they are not part of God's plan.
36. Divorce due to violence is not justifiable in the Bible. The solution to fights between spouses is to humble yourself before God to learn to be gentle with each other. Violence as a cause for divorce is one more excuse. Whoever is really a victim separates himself to pray and bless his spouse so that he can overcome his problem. Violence has no gender. See 1 Corinthians 13.
37. Divorce and remarriage lack Christian common sense: God never destroys a family to build another:
38. Getting divorced and remarrying is abandoning the covenant “of your God.” The covenant is not only between spouses but also with God. As long as God exists and both spouses are alive, that covenant remains: Proverbs 2:16-22
39. A divorced person is neither single nor widowed, therefore he does not qualify to remarry. “It is not good for a man to be alone” was said to singles. “It is better to marry than to burn” was said to singles and widowers. Married people are asked to stay married: 1 Corinthians 7:10-11
40. Divorce is an affront to Christianity. Up to 50% of Christians in some parts of the world get divorced. That is more than the percentage of all secular societies. Even more than atheists.
41. Not getting divorced is God's law clearly understood and taught by the apostle Paul.
42. The polygamous patriarchs of the Old Testament are not models of Christian marriage and their actions should not be followed by us in the new covenant. Christ came to restore Edenic marriage without divorce, polygamy, machismo or remarriage: Matthew 19:3-12
43. Adultery involving marriage while the legitimate spouse is alive is much more serious than an isolated act or action of adultery within marriage. The first is a condition of sin, attempting to change the biblical text to justify it and even celebrating it inside the temples with a spurious and sacrilegious wedding. The second is an action from which the person repents and turns away much more easily because he generally recognizes his sin. In both cases God's remedy is the same: “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11), that is, turn away from sin.
44. If God abhors, that is, hates divorce, how can Christians practice it? Malachi 2:16
45. Getting a divorce means taking our fellow man to court, something that God prohibits. It involves lying under oath because the Bible says that to him who believes all things are possible: Mark 9:23, 1 Corinthians 6:1
46. There is not a single text in the Bible that indicates that there is God's blessing on the second marriage of someone whose legitimate spouse is still alive:
47. Divorce as a solution to the problems of marriage responds to a humanist doctrine originated by one of the fathers of modern humanism: Erasmus Desiderius.
48. No matter how evil a spouse is, at any time they can allow themselves to be reached by the grace of God and change. That is why God's will in the face of marital failure is always reconciliation and not remarriage.
49. In all divorces there are degrees of manipulation, lies, simulation, deception and falsehoods. The real goal is to find another partner in almost all cases.
50. “To the law and to the testimony” (Isaiah 8:20) the only valid marriages before God are between a single or widowed woman and man who voluntarily decide to make a covenant before God to remain together until the death of one of the partners. two. All the others are invalid, they are illicit, illegitimate, fornicatory, sinful. It applies to them that they must separate (divorce) according to the Lord's expression “except for the cause of fornication.”

God's will is pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2